Organize & Simplify offers Workshops for companies, non-profit organizations and social groups. Cara York offers her organizing knowledge and experience to groups of any size. She will customize the length of the discussion and content to suit the needs of your audience.
Sample Workshop Topics:
- Estate Organizing: Will Your Loved Ones Know What To Do When You’re Gone?
Hopefully you already have a Will and other appropriate legal documents needed for end-of-life decisions. However, what about everything else? We spend our lives accumulating passwords, insurance policies, bank accounts, jewelry, artwork and other items. Are your loved ones aware of everything they need to act on your behalf or in your place? This program will provide you with a list of suggestions to make sure they know your wishes and how to access your important information. - The Organized Entrepreneur
The ultimate goal for many people is to find a business that allows them flexible hours, the ability to work from home, and the opportunity to be their own boss. The good news is… you’ve achieved that goal! And now your focus is the successful integration of this business with the rest of your life. A home office offers many conveniences but it also offers its own unique set of challenges and distractions. This program will provide tips on setting up a home office, limiting distractions and creating boundaries. - It’s About Time!
Have you ever found yourself at the end of your work day wondering, “Where did the time go”? You weren’t able to cross anything off the “To Do” list; and instead you added even more items to it! In this program, Cara will highlight common time wasters and distractions that keep us from staying focused. She will also give you tips on prioritizing tasks, the art of delegating, and even… saying “No”. - The Great Paper Chase
We are bombarded by incoming papers every day; whether it’s interoffice mail, newspapers, reports your staff needs you to review, or the emails you print because they’re easier to read that way. This program will give you tips on how to set up a system and get these items where they belong – in a file, in the trash, or in somebody else’s office. Cara will help you develop a system to conquer the paper before it conquers you!
Email Cara for more information.