Organize & Simplify, LLC


Do you see the photo at the top of this page? It’s a group of young superheroes. Think back to a time when you were a young superhero; back in the days you thought anything was possible. If you want to be more efficient and better organized, first you need to believe you can do it. This Resources page is all about me empowering you with the tools you need to take action toward achieving your organizing and efficiency goals. Below, you’ll find links to articles and videos with tips on how to get going.


The Gift of Experience

Creative Organizing

Busy vs Productive

Live Deliberately

Organizing Made Easy

*The article includes a video link that is not usable through the PDF download. To access the corresponding video, please click here.

Embrace Your Strengths AND Weaknesses

The Buffer

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Getting Started

Five Strategies for an Organized New Year

Video Tips:

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